Healthy recipes for weight loss

Simple,Healthy recipes for weight reduction Articles sound recipes for breakfast

Avocado toast with eggs

2 Eggs

One ready avocado

Two cuts of entire wheat toast

Juice of a portion of a lemon

Salt and pepper to taste


– Eliminate the avocado tissue from the shell and pound it along with the lemon juice. Season the avocado with salt and pepper as you like.

– Oil a container and sear the eggs just right Fast lean pro as you somewhat toast the bread cuts

– When the bread is prepared, slather it with the avocado combination

– Put the cooked eggs on top of the toast and serve.

– You can have this basic dinner with some tea, espresso or juice.

Organic product, muesli, seeds and yogurt

3 Tbsp High fiber muesli

1Tbsp combination of sunflower seeds, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds

Cuts of banana and pawpaw or berries of your decision

A cup of low-fat yogurt


– Empty the seeds into a bowl

– Add the high fiber muesli

– Pour the yogurt on top of the seeds and muesli

– Drop the cuts of natural product or berries on top and eat

– Have with some espresso or tea for an extraordinary jolt of energy toward the beginning of the day

Step by step instructions to get in shape quick: Sound recipes for quality dinners

Fish stew

1 tbsp olive oil

2 diced carrots

2 diced celery sticks

Two leeks finely cut

250g container of hacked tomatoes

Two finely hacked garlic cloves

500 ml fish stock

Fish filet cut into pieces

100 g shelled prawns

Salt and pepper to taste


– Heat the oil in a skillet and sauté the carrots, garlic and celery for 5 minutes. Pour in the tomatoes, leeks and stock and heat the pot to the point of boiling. Bring down the temperature, cover the pot and stew for 15 minutes until the vegetables are practically prepared.
